
Os high sierra iso
Os high sierra iso

Because of that if you High Sierra 10.13.3 will give you the most stable Ryzen hackintosh, while High Sierra 10.13.6 is completely unusable on Ryzen. The one thing you need to know is that any update of High Sierra that is 10.13.4 or later will not work well on Ryzen because the open source files that are suppose to be released by Apple every update haven’t been since 10.13.3.

os high sierra iso

Getting sleep to work on Ryzen + Nvidia has caused other people to have restart issues instead of waking normally, but it appears to have been resolved as of High Sierra 10.13.1 build (17B1003) and 10.13.2 (Beta) as I haven’t experienced this issue with my GTX 1050 Ti using the files contained in this guide. Newer AMD graphic cards suffer about a 10-15% performance drop while for Nvidia the performance just isn’t there, suffering around a 50% drop in performance/fps.Īlso sleep works for me whether I have an AMD or Nvidia graphics card plugged in. With a Ryzen CPU there will be some graphical performance degradation. Using the steps and files contained within this guide I was able to get both AMD RX and Nvidia GTX graphic cards functioning. Sound should work after the install is completed I used VoodooHDA.kext was used to get sound working, USB 2/3 ports were gotten working using USBInjectAll.kext/GenericUSBXHCI.kext, while for Ethernet I included all the kext files I could think of that Ryzen motherboards use, so that should work too after the install is complete. I’ve included an EFI folder aswell as the PreInstall & PostInstall folders necessary to do the installation. The install will also take significantly longer to perform compared to an Intel machine.Īll you need is a spare flash drive, hard drive, and a Mac or Windows/Linux machine capable of running a virtual machine to complete this. This guide is based off the Clover method and uses a custom Ryzen kernel that’s applied during the installation for Ryzen compatibility. With a little extra effort Ryzen can be made working in a hackintosh, although it wont be as smooth of an experience as a Intel machine would be since that is afterall what Mac’s are based on.

Os high sierra iso